Monday, October 18, 2010

Woche zwei (Week two)

A couple of years ago, one of my best friends- Michelle and I took a trip of a lifetime and were able to travel all over Europe. In each country that we stopped in, we would describe that country with one word. I remember my word for Germany being scenic. This was because we really didn’t get to see much of Germany besides the view from our delay on the autobahn.

I’m really glad I have gotten the opportunity to come back to Germany and this time experience more than just the scenic view. Germany is just lovely! Especially in the fall! It’s like I’m living in a fairy tail! Now I just have to find my prince charming…ha! The weather has been gorgeous the first few weeks. I was a little nervous leaving Colorado's 90 degree sunshine but was pleasantly surprised. There are SO many big trees filled with beautiful shades of reds, yellows and greens. Plus crunchy leaves to step on are everywhere which is personally my favorite thing about this time of year. I like to start my day with a jog or bike ride and am just in awe of my surroundings while discovering my way throughout the town. I am surprised with how many older fit people I see, always on a bike...they amaze me!

So much has happened since my arrival two weeks ago, I don’t know where to start. My first weekend here in the ever charming Stuttgart was spent at the Oktoberfest! What a great experience that was had there! I have never drank so much beer in my life and believe it or not I actually drank and they were HUGE mugs. The festival is a very fun carnival filled with lots of rides and big tents. Inside the tents is where you go to feast on fried chicken, bread, french fries and of course drink while listening to the band play. For all 5 of us to eat and drink, it cost about 77 Euros. Many people come to the festival dressed up wearing traditional German Clothing. The dresses that girls wear are called dirndls. They also have a ton of booths set up that sell these gingerbread heart cookies. You are supposed to buy one as a sign of affection for the one you like/love. They are made to be worn around the neck and Aunt Victoria says no one really eats them. They are just for show. I think they are pretty neat (1st picture above.)

The food here is pretty good. For the most part they have everything we have in America but it just has a different taste or zip to it. Much time is spent around the dining table- eating, conversing and then after everyone is finished eating- tea or coffee is served. My Aunt makes great German meals of fresh fish or soups or salads. Her foods always look like a picture from a magazine and is very tasty. Although the other day she put too much salt in the potatoes and there is this German legend that says if your cook your food with too much salt, it means you’re in love.

Also, my Aunt and cousins have been teaching me German table manners and quite frankly it drives me crazy. I have to eat with a knife in my right hand and a fork in my left- at all times. My hands also always have to be on the table which is so hard to do when I am use to my American ways.I dare you to try it sometime and tell me what you think.

Language wise- my German ist nicht so gut (not so good). What a complicated language that is supposed to be so similar to ours. Most of the people I encounter know English and like to practice with me. They all tell me that German is more complicated to learn then English but maybe they are just saying that to make me feel better. Sometimes I feel like I walked into the wrong film with no English subtitles to help me translate. I've picked up on key words and phrases but other than that I smile and nod to get by. My cousins and there English are coming along nicely. When I pick up Leila from school she tells all her friends that she is my German teacher and I am her English and Spanish’s too cute.

It's been a week filled with Geburtstags(birthdays) here...3 total. and after a dance party with 7 year olds this weekend, I am kaputt. Goodness to be 7 cousin Leila is just so full of life, it's great! Alexander is now 12 and my Aunt Victoria is well….I’m not sure if she wants me to share ;). I made enchiladas for Alex’s birthday and helped plan a fun party for Leila and her friends (pictures below)!

Bike riding happens everywhere so I joined the band wagon and went real mountain biking on Saturday. Hans (Aunts friend) gave me a lesson and took me riding on a single trail. I have never been so scared in my life but it was blast and I can't wait to do it again! I just have to remember not to look down at all those bumpy rocks.

Well, I better go help Alex with his math which one would think is the same across all languages but they use different signs for different things :/

I hope you all are doing wonderful! Let me know how life is in your little neck of the woods.

All my love.



  1. Nice update. You need to do more of these. LY.


  2. Yay, I love reading your updates girl! I'd probably really eat those cookie hearts, cuz I'm not gonna lie, if one was hanging around my neck all day - right below my mouth, you better believe I would eat it! :)

    So how is it running around that area!? I bet it's so unique and different. I'm jealous! I love new sceneries!

    You seem like you are VERY busy there! But that is good yeah!? Did the kids enjoy their birthdays that you threw for them?!?

    Anyway keep working on your German. That's too cute that Leila says she's your german teacher! I still can't believe how big she is. Alex seems like he stays the same, but it seems like Leila was just a baby!!

    Well I would say I miss you here. But umm well here is in Virginia and even if you were back in the states you wouldn't be here! hahah But I do miss ya girl! Love you!
