Sunday, October 3, 2010

Auf Wiedersehen Amerika!

Life doesn’t always go as planned but sometimes it’s 1,000 times more exciting! Currently that’s my life and I am so very blessed to be able to have this once in a lifetime experience of living in Germany and being able to share my adventure with all of you!

My flight into Germany was far better than expected. I flew via buddy pass and ended up in first class. Sweet! I was served a 5 course meal (soup, salad, shrimp, salmon, chocolate cheesecake with wine….yum) got a comfy blanket and pillow, sat next to a nice gentleman, free drinks, recliner chair, my own personal mini-tv….can life get any better?!?!?

When I arrived in Stuttgart my Aunt Victoria and her friend Hans were waiting to greet me. They were so happy I made it in safe. It only took 10 minutes to get to their house.

Hans made a delicious breakfast (picture on top) and we spent a couple hours conversing about life.

Life in Germany is much different. Kids are sadly considered a nuisance. My cousins are so very precious though. They are sweet sweet children. So nice and respectful. Unlike the high-maintenance spoiled little diablos I watched this summer but that’s another story.
I love Alex and Leila so much. Ich liebe kinders.

Alexander is 11 and in the 6th grade. He is a Star Wars fanatic. Also loves playing Wii and reading Harry Potter. He is defiantly German. His facial expressions are very serious but he is very loving. He really wants to go to America to visit Opa, Oma and Aunt Odi.

Leila is a Murillo – head to toe. It’s so crazy how she looks exactly like my cousin Mia even though they live across the sea from each other and are
a couple of years apart. Seriously it’s
like a spitting image. She even sounds like her. Sometimes I find myself doing a double take. It’s so crazy lazy (that’s what she says all the time). Leila is a very lively, bubbly, giggly and a fun 6 year old. She teaches me lots and forgets that I can’t speak deutsch.

My Aunt Victoria is a mix of a lot of my Aunts. Sometimes she will say something and sound like my Aunt Lucinda and other times the way she looks and her hand gestures remind me of Aunt Venita. She is currently employed as an accountant but doesn’t like to crunch numbers ever day. She laughs a lot and likes doing yoga and jogging. She also misses family and only planned to stay in Germany for a couple years though that turned into 15. lol. It’s been fun getting to know her and to hang out.

During this adventure I hope to learn some German, travel lots, learn about the culture, spend a ton of time with my family, try new things, read, relax, enjoy life, teach the children more English and some Spanish, take more pictures then necessary, volunteer in a school and last but not least live in every minute!

A big shout out to all my friends and family that took the time to call/skype/fb goodbye. You all mean so much to me and I appreciate it a great deal. Keep in touch. I would always love to hear about your lovely life. I will try to update about various travels and different topics so enjoy!
All my love.
PS….Mail is probably my favorite thing ever! And I would love to write you as well!

My address is:
Hahn (co Lauren Hutton)
Fred-Uhlman-Str. 7
70619 Stuttgart


  1. Omgosh! You did such a great job with your first blog :) I look forward to more updates! Anyway it sounds like you are enjoying yourself! First class on the way there?!?! How awesome is that?! You always get the hook up ;) And that breakfast looked great!! The kids are sooooo cute and I can see how Leila looks just like Mia, that is crazy. Anyway , like I said, good job! Love ya!

  2. Ahhhh danke, Clarissa! I really like this blogging thing and think it will be so much fun! Thanks for the idea and the nice comment! I am looking forward to hearing more of Caleb's adventures as well! Love.

  3. Looks like you are having a good time in Germany. Did you get to go to the tail end of Octoberfest? Your blog looks very nice. LY.

  4. Hey Lauren,
    Come have lunch with me tomorrow! My girls are not going to be there, they have a band festival to go to, so it will be quiet at the office! We are serving chicken parmesan and I know you would like it! This past week we had new menus like french dip sandwich, rotini with meatsauce, turkey/ham subs, breaded pork patty w/mashed potatoes and country gravy.
    Parent/teacher conferences went ok. Megan and Spencer are doing fine. Megan has all A's, Spencer has almost all A's. Mikayla has make-up lessons to turn in from missing school for tennis but is on her way to good grades. Now, for Cassie..... Her english teacher referred her to the special education teacher to see if she does have learning disabilities. I talked to the guidance counselor along with her reading teacher and told them I had questioned this since kindergarten. They were a little perturbed and are very willing to iron this out. So hopefully we will begin to get on the right track. I do have teacher's giving a copy of the notes for her and we will begin with a game plan once the special ed teacher and I talk. Well another month to close out with a very terrible spreadsheet program to work with. Uncle Rod will be reworking it, but until then I just have to work with what I have. I better go to bed so I can get to work on time, so I could leave early to clean house before mom and dad come!! Take Care and love you lots. My prayers are with you for a safe travel while in Germany. Love Auntie Michele

  5. @Daddy- THANKS! I did get to go to Oktoberfest and it was lots of fun! Did you see my pics on fb? Love you too!

    @Aunt Michele- I would have LOVED to join you for lunch!! You always make the best food and all of it sounds delicious. Can you come cook for me? I would appreciate it more then those high school kids :)

    I am making Alex enchiladas for his birthday on Tues and hope they come out as good as yours!

    I'm glad to hear the kids are doing well for the most part. I hope they figure something out with Cassie and finally get her the help she needs. I always had a hard time learning and only figured out in college that I had a learning disability and they said that I was that student that fell through the cracks. Anyway, let me know how it goes. I hope you all had fun with Grandma and Grandpa!

    You all are in my thoughts and prayers!
    LOVE always!
