Thursday, November 18, 2010

My weakness revealed......

This is probably the best cheap thrill around. It's incredibly fun and they have a bunch of them around Germany for children to play on. It's more fun when I go on it my self but Leila wanted to join me on this one. Take a look:

Shout out to my brother Matty who thinks my blogs are T.L.D.R (too long to read). lol I will try to keep this one short and sweet but I think you would get a kick out of this Matty and everyone else.

Tipping in Germany is actually considered impolite. One of the ladies in my German class told a story of how she was chased down after she left a restaurant because she left too much money on the table. My teacher told us that waiters/waitresses make 8-10 Euros an hour but also get a 10 percent cut of what the restaurant makes while they are working. Wow! So different then what we're use to.

My cousin Alex also taught me today that the German word for blood is blut and the word for stupid is blod. When spoken they sound very very similar. As do a lot of words so I have to be very careful not to use them incorrectly because that would be no good.

It's almost the weekend, folks! Keep on truckin'! :)

My next blog is going to be all about the food so stay tuned!

All my love.

1 comment:

  1. Aw yay, that looks like a fun little ride thing! Matthew is too funny - and I can so hear him saying those exact words!

    No tipping?! Niiiiice! So since you don't have to tip, do you find their service to be better or worse than ours? B/c the waiters/esses don't HAVE to be nice to get a tip from you...

    And I am VERY much looking forward to this food blog! YUM!
