Friday, January 6, 2017

The Un-examined Life is One Not Worth Living-- Lesson Learned from 2016

Farewell 2016. I have not been very good at keeping up this travel blog. I have yet to write about my experiences in India, Nepal and Poland. One day...I hope! :D They are all very fond to me so eventually.

Things I learned in 2016:

1.  My word that describes this year is GROW. Not only have I grown as a person but in my profession as a teacher, as a colleague and as a friend. It's never too late to grow. 

2.. God's plans are far greater than mine. I may not be where I thought I'd be at this time in my life but I am so grateful for the experiences and adventures He has lead me on. Better than I ever expected or dreamed. 

3.. Forgiveness is the most freeing experience. Do it...not for the people who hurt you but for yourself! 

4. Poland is Europe's hidden gem. If you ever have the chance to it! You won't regret it. So much love for my Polish fam! 

5. Friendships come and go but people who truly love and appreciate you will always stick by your side even though tough times. 

6.. God uses all people we encounter and every situation we go through to help us grow closer to Him. 

7. God is for you and loves you and only wants the best for you no matter who you are! 

8. You can work at a place you love! For the first time in my teaching career I love going to work... every day. I get to do what I love with awesome people that I respect and wonderful children at a phenomenal school.Thank you STEM! It's not perfect but it's perfect for me and for that I am grateful. 

9. Spiritual warfare is legit. The closer I grow to God, the more attacked I feel by the devil. Our world is crazy but it's not our home and it's not my battle to fight.. He's already won the war and there great hope in that.

10. Trust in His plan.... fully 100%....and life seems to fall into place. 

11. Love has come into your life to change you and make you better. No love is ever wasted. 

Lots to look forward to this year! I'm starting my teacher blog, my teachers pay teachers account to sell teacher things, traveling to Moab Utah with some friends, running a half-marathon in Phoenix, my 30th disco dance party, hoping to go to Africa or some place exotic and always striving to grow in His love to be the best version of myself! 


All my love,